Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So this one time, I had a blog...

I’ve kind of failed with this whole keeping-up-with-my-blog thing. To be fair, I have had a ton of readings and field trips to do for my classes, and my summer brain automatically switches to sleep or procrastinate mode when all alternative activities are more boring than sleeping. In addition, I’ve had to convince my roommates that I am actually social and enjoy doing things, so I have lost a great deal of time I normally spent pondering the meaning of life, psychoanalyzing my breakfast choices, and letting people know what I’ve been up to. Once my roommates are thoroughly convinced I’m normal, I’ll return to my misanthropic, hermitic ways and have more time to blog! Anyway, I apologize for the delays. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I have made it quite clear that I was unqualified for this role as blogger.

My mom tells me my blog posts are getting too long so I’m going to try to keep things simple. I hope to make a bunch of short blog posts and put them up over the course of a couple of days, so look out for more to come. Or don’t, which ever. This is coming from me, so you may not want to get your hopes up.

Since I’m sure your attention will soon wane (along with mine), I’ll start with the note-worthy things (read: tourist attractions) I’ve visited recently. I saw Stonehenge, which was pretty neat, but very touristy. I mean, the stones were cool, but the gift shop, café, audio guide station and ticket booth were rather disappointing (along with outrageous admission prices- seriously, Stonehenge lasted for 5000 years without any help; I honestly don’t think those giant rocks need much maintenance).

I also saw Buckingham Palace, which I believe is how the Queen affords all those hats. It's amazing how many people come to spend all their money looking at a bunch of old furniture and a wedding dress, hot off the bride (just about). And, of course, everyone had an audio tour: a pair of silly headphones playing random facts along with long musical introductions to every room. Truly enlightening. Anyway, I went with a few girls from my program and Caitlin, a friend from home who is also studying abroad in London. It was really cool to see her, but it is a little weird being with someone from home at the same time you are with college friends, since you share completely different commonalities and acquaintances with each. But it was still fun to see her and hang out with someone you share such a long history with. Cait and I had dinner at a nice pub we found, and then the group of us visited a pub over by her, which was also a nice place. Overall, it was fun but chill day. The best.

So yeah, that’s it for now.

30 second summary: I went to Stonehenge and Buckingham Palace. I will try to be a better blogger, though I may not meet my mom’s high standards. This whole post is pretty dumb.


  1. I recently re-found your blog today and have been catching up. Your 30-second summaries are hilarious as well as helpful. This post wasn't dumb, haha.

  2. Summaries seemed like a good idea, especially considering I tend to spend a great deal of time talking about very little. I guess this post isn't entirely dumb, but it kind of is. haha.

    ps. thanks for reading and commenting. It starting to feel like I had put an unusual amount of energy into talking to myself. Not entirely bad, but kind of weird.
