Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weekend update

I’m breaking away from my usual nonsense this time and I’m just going to talk about my weekend. This may be a good time for you to get back to work.

This past weekend my two roommates went away to Munich from Thursday after our last class until Sunday morning. For purely academic reasons, of course. You know, just appreciating its culture, people and beverages. But that’s another story. The point is, I had the apartment to myself for the weekend. When you live in a triple, alone time is a precious and wonderful commodity, and being able to spend it somewhere other than the bathroom is pretty great.

Thursday was spent doing the usual routine- class at 8:30, clean up apartment for cleaners, skype mom, nap and write a blog for my university class. I was really, seriously tired from staying up late the night before and determined not to go anywhere that night. But, of course, my two friends from upstairs came to hang out in my small dark (I hadn’t figured out how to change the light bulb) living room before leaving (because they prefer it over their large bright one) and told my they were going to see Rochelle, a friend from Bucknell who is in another program. After they promised not to stay out late, I joined them. Ironically, this was the only night I went anywhere.

Friday I did work. Or tried to. I didn’t really get anything done. I did go to the food store six times or so, and managed to make myself a real dinner- like, with a recipe and ingredients and everything. I had the hardest time finding eggs, flour and a salt shaker, of all things. I ended up finding the eggs on the bread aisle, naturally, and had to buy a large pourable container of salt. I’m not even going to comment. Even after finding my ingredients, I still faced a serious dilemma- pounding chicken without a meat hammer thing or a rolling pin. I put a bag of flour in a casserole dish and tried that. It didn’t really work. Whatever.

Saturday I went to see the Great Gorilla Run. People raise money to help protect gorillas, and then complete a race wearing a gorilla suit. I woke up late, found out too late that the train I needed was closed, etc etc, and I thought I had missed it. Fortunately, I hung around long enough to find out I was there just before the runners started coming. I traced their path back from London bridge to the Tower bridge (the famous one), which I hadn’t been to. On the way back, I got to see the outside of the Tower of London, which was still pretty cool. I really like how any outing in London can turn into a historical, sightseeing adventure. That might be my favorite thing about this city. Once I got home, I did homework for the rest of the weekend. The end.

30 seconds or less: I saw Rochelle, found eggs, cooked dinner, watched gorillas run, went sight-seeing, changed a light bulb. Thrilling stuff.

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