Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This will be my last post in the States, just to go over the last few days.

My second round of goodbyes is complete. Going to West Virginia was pretty much how it always is, although I was able to be a little more observant of things, which I think was good. It was nice to see everyone there before I left to go abroad. As for Bucknell, I was a little disappointed when I didn't get any homey, excited feelings when I arrived. It was weird not having a dorm or room that was mine, and Rochelle and John (who are also going abroad in the fall) felt the same way: we had no home to go back to. Getting a parking ticket and sleeping on the floor one night added to the feeling of not belonging at Bucknell, at least for the time being. In addition, I still had 2 more days at home (during which I plan to pack, see a movie, go on a coffee date, and maybe see the beach one last time) so I was still in summer vacation mode. The truth is, I wasn't ready for "back to school". It was like one of those mid-summer nightmares where you're suddenly back in school. The ticket and almost running out of gas on the way home were certainly nightmare-worthy. Still, it was nice to see both family and friends. I'm excited for all the things happening at Bucknell this year, and I'm looking forward to hearing updates! I got a lot out of the IV leadership training I did there, and I had a nice conversation with God, too. And room trashing/cleaning/claiming a little was awesome.

The best part was when, on the way to pick up my suitcase and leave, I saw a blue Bucknell balloon float away. There's a story behind it, but essentially my favorite thing to do at graduations is to count the number of balloons that float away, and to watch one until it disappears. I'm sentimental about these run-away balloons, and it was such a perfect ending.

...I'm really going abroad.

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